ATLEIN has a 14-day return policy: you have 14 days from when your order is delivered to ship/postmark it back to our return center for a refund or exchange.

You will be responsible for the cost of returning the Product(s). You must return your order to the address indicated using a delivery or courier service, and it is recommended that you keep a proof of dispatch for tracking purposes.

Any claim regarding the delivery of Product(s) must be submitted in 14 working days following receipt of the Product(s). They must be sent in their original condition (packaging, accessories, tag, etc.) and according to the following shipping conditions. The customer must contact the customer service beforehand via e-mail at to obtain a return number to note on the “Return Authorisation” enclosed with the order as well as any information relating to the shipping. No parcel shall be accepted without a return number. This number must be written legibly on the parcel.

The Product(s) must be returned to:


29 Rue des Cascades

75920 PARIS, France

Any parcel returned after the prescribed timeframe shall be refused and returned to the sender. No parcel returned as cash on delivery shipping shall be accepted, whatever the reason. The costs and risks pertaining to the return of Product(s) are borne by the sender.

In order for the customer service to accept the return, the Product(s) must be returned in full condition in its original packing, undamaged, with its label attached, not worn, accompanied by all of its accessories, and a copy of the purchase invoice.

The Customer shall not have to justify the reasons or pay penalties, with the exception of return costs and all potential customs duties.

ATLEIN cannot be held responsible in the event of loss, theft or damage of the parcel. Parcels for which the Customer’s identification (surname, first name, address and return code) is not possible shall be refused.

On receipt of the Product(s) returned by the Customer, the customer service shall send a confirmation of receipt of the Product by e-mail.




Purchased items are exchangeable into a different size. Exchanges are only processed upon receipt of returned merchandise and are based on stock availability. Should you be interested in a different colour or style, please return your item/s to us and simply purchase the new piece separately at




If the complete order is returned the refund will include standard delivery costs from ATLEIN to you. For that purpose, Customer shall insert the delivery invoice indicating the parcel tracking number into the return parcel. ATLEIN shall reimburse the Customer for the sums paid by the same and corresponding to the acquisition of the returned Products (therefore excluding potential customs duties), within a maximum period of 14 days by bank transfer into the account used with the credit card bearing the Customer’s name.

Please note that a deduction can be made if the value of the goods has been reduced as a result of you handling the goods more than was necessary.




• Items must be returned to us in perfect condition accompanied by the return information label.

• Make sure all products are exactly as you received them, with tag and seal still attached.

• All products that come in their own box, including but not limited to shoes and accessories, must be returned in their original, undamaged box as this is considered part of the product.

• Please make sure to return tall products that come in their own box inside another solid carton box to not damage the original packaging.

• Please send the package to:


29 Rue des Cascades

75920 PARIS, France




If an item received is classified as faulty and was received damaged, you must contact us within 7 days of receipt.